"Goals are dreams with deadlines" -- Diana Scharf

Thursday, April 25, 2013

20-Dollar Dates: Miniature Golf

A few weeks ago, Mr. W. suggested that we start arranging a weekly date night.  Although we're newlyweds, we've been a couple since April of 2005.  That's a long time!  After eight years, we're very comfortable spending time together.  We have many of the same interests and many of the same friends.  But we'd also like to keep our relationship interesting and exciting.  That's where date night comes in.  And really, how could I turn down a date with my husband?

Every week, one of us is responsible for planning a date night activity.  We also decided to set a $20-$25 limit for these dates.  In our household budget, we set aside $150 per month for joint discretionary funds.  In the past, this has typically gone towards dinner(s) at a nice restaurant.  But now, we'll use most of our joint discretionary funds towards our date night activities. 

For my first date, I decided on...mini golf! 

Image credit: Image credit: mg7 / 123RF Stock Photo

I honestly can't recall ever playing miniature golf before.  I must have played at least once, right?  Perhaps at a friend's birthday party or during a Girl Scout outing.  I feel like everyone plays mini golf some time in their childhood.  Well, it turns out that my lack of experience was readily apparent.  I'm pretty awful at it.  And Mr. W is pretty darn good, which was slightly irritating to me (not that I'm competitive, or anything).  But it was fun nonetheless. 

We went mini-golfing on a Saturday afternoon.  So I guess it was more of a "date day" than a "date night."  As we expected, there were lots of children.  But we were also pleasantly surprised to see that there were plenty of other couples without children.  This particular course had a safari theme, complete with a lion, a gorilla, and a hippo.  The theming was a little cheesy, but certainly creative.  It was an 18-hole course, which took us approximately 90-minutes to finish.  We went to a course that is part of a public recreation complex, so the tickets were less expensive than they would have been at a private mini-golf park.  Total cost: $8/each, or $16 total.  Score!

What's miniature golf without a lion?

This was the "desert" section.  Notice the camel and the pyramids. 

As long as Mr. W. and I continue our 20-Dollar Dates, I'm planning to make these posts a regular feature.  I'd love to hear about ways that you and your significant other plan cheap dates together!