"Goals are dreams with deadlines" -- Diana Scharf

Monday, March 4, 2013

Let's Do the Numbers (2/24-3/2)

Here is what last week looked like, according to the numbers:

*I drank two fancy-schmanzy coffee drinks from Starbucks.  Purchased using a Christmas gift card, so they were free to me. 

*We baked three loaves of bread, six whole wheat biscuits, one batch of Cocoa Crunch Granola, one batch of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, and one chocolate cake.  I promise we didn’t eat all of that ourselves.  We took the cake to a party (where Mr. W. ate 2.5 slices).    

*We attended a total of six fitness classes (three for me and three for Mr. W.).  He also went for an eight-mile run.   
*I took the train to work two times. It’s an improvement over last week, but three times would be ideal (At three+ times per week, it’s financially worthwhile to have the monthly parking pass that I purchase). Sidebar: I made an earnest attempt to take the train three times last week. Read here for the full story.

*I spent 90 minutes waiting in line, outside of the Department of Motor Vehicles.  Mr. W. and I have been married for more than five months and I still haven't finalized my name change with the DMV.  I attribute the delay to three factors: busy work/travel schedules, my own procrastination, and an intense dread of the DMV.  Case in point: On Saturday, I arrived at 11:30 AM, which was a full 90 minutes before the DMV closes. It seemed like it should have been enough time, especially since the DMV is obligated to process the paperwork of anyone who arrives before closing time.   But there’s a sneaky loophole: this DMV only allowed a dozen or so customers inside the building at any given time.  This tactic was bogus, because there were seats inside for many more (maybe 50? 100?). With the exception of those dozen lucky souls, everyone else was forced to wait outside. Then, anyone who wasn’t inside at 1:00 was turned away. After shivering and standing in line for 90 minutes, I was one of those who never made it in the door. I had paid $3.00 in municipal parking and had wasted 90 minutes. And worse of all, I’m still not officially “Mrs. J. W.”  I've learned my lesson: next Saturday, I'll be waiting in line when the DMV opens at 8:00.

You know who dislikes the DMV even more than I do?  Dane Cook.  Watch this sketch, but not at work, or when your grandmother is listening.   

*Attended one dinner party, where we played a boisterous round of the board game Apples to Apples.  I won nine of those green adjective cards.  That's seven more than Mr. W (not that I'm counting).  The other players seemed to like my suggestion that "whipped cream" is "timeless."   Isn't it?

Hope your week is off to a good start.