March promises to be a busy month, both personally and professionally. This is what I’m aiming to accomplish:
Financial Goals
Stay on budget, especially with respect to
grocery shopping and household "stuff".
File our income taxes.
Consolidate our bank accounts and update direct
deposit info.
Track spending on a weekly basis.
Career-Related Goals
· Complete preparations for an important mid-March
· Arrive to work by 9:00 every morning. We have flexible hours, but I still like to
get in at a decent time.
Non-Financial Goals
Purchase a new computer. We both have computers that are seven years
old. We’ve been trying to delay this expense
as long as possible, but it’s time to take the plunge. Our computer situation has actually been
amusing at times. For instance, when I
try to access some websites, I’m redirected to the mobile platform because I’m
using such an outdated browser. But in
all seriousness, buying a new computer is a necessity. In
fact, we can’t even run tax software on either of my computer because the
operating system is so old. And Mr. W’s
computer won’t even turn on, so…
Finalize my name change.
Buy a bed, if our tax return is large enough. When we got married, we moved Mr. W.’s queen
mattress and box spring into my apartment.
However, we haven’t purchased a bed frame yet.
Keep in touch with friends and family.